Building the Canadian Dream

Newcomer Financial Series and Summit

The first of its kind financial literacy event exclusively for new Canadians and financial advisors who serve them.

Educating New Canadians for Financial Freedom

Canada is expected to welcome 1.3 million immigrants in just over the next three years alone, with Statistics Canada projecting that the proportion of immigrants in our population could reach upto to 30.0% by 2036 and more than half of them would be Asian origin. These and other newcomers who are already in Canada have to navigate complex financial, legal, and tax systems as they try to settle in the country’s largest urban centres such as Toronto, Montréal, and Vancouver.

The Canadian Newcomers Financial Series and Summit is a first of its kind financial literacy event aimed at both new consumers and advisors.

Financial Literacy Webinars

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Past Webinars

Canadian Newcomers Financial Summit

The first of its kind financial literacy summit for advisors, wealth managers, and other finance professionals looking to create value for new consumers in Canada.



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